Looking for a vet / veterinary clinic in Al Ain?

If you’re looking for a vet in Al Ain, there are dozens and dozens of options.

One guy that’s worth checking out is ‘Dr Stas’ – his full name is Dr. Stanislav Alexeevych Vyrva, which is a bit of a mouthful! Here he is with an enormous python belonging to one of his local clients…

Dr Stanislav Vyrva Stas who I met

He and I have met and chatted, though our family doesn’t have any pets, so I can’t comment on his skills!

Dr Stas is Ukranian. He used to be head surgeon of Kharkov Zoo, and has been in private practice since 1995. He has been living in Al Ain since 2004.

He is currently Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Oasis Veterinary Clinic, here in Al Ain, behind Bawadi Mall. His English is fluent.

At his clinic he conducts advanced examinations (including X-ray and endoscopy).

Here’s a map…

Dr Stas vet map

Here’s a shot of the outside of the clinic…

2011 07 17 09 46 11

And here’s what it’s like inside…

Dr. Stanislav Alexeevych Vyrva

2011 07 17 09 25 43

2011 07 17 09 27 14

You can contact him on 055 727 9660 or 050 683 9899. His email address is stas_vr -at- mail.ru

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