Directions from Abu Dhabi to the Al Ain Municipality Theatre

(The Municipality Theatre is where the TEDxAlAin 2011 conference was held, and where some music concerts are held too.)

Drive from Abu Dhabi towards Al Ain. As you approach Al Ain you’ll see an exit with a sign showing an aircraft on it and saying ‘Airport’ or similar. Take this exit and carry on into the centre of Al Ain. It’s pretty much a straight line all the way to the venue.

Eventually, you’ll see the 2 towers on the left of Al Jimi Mall…


…and as you drive past it you’ll see the big sign for the Carrefour supermarket there. You’ll just be able to make out the letters ‘Carr’ on the left of this photo…

IMG 1043

Go through the next lights.

Then, at the next lights, turn right here where the sign says ‘Civic Centre’…


And after 100 metres or so, you’ll see the venue on your left…


Drive past it, do a U-turn at the roundabout, then take the second turning on the right to get to the car park in front of it.


If you go past the ‘Civic Centre’ turning by mistake you’ll reach this roundabout with storks on it, and the Al Massa Hotel behind it…


Do a U-turn, and turn left at the next set of lights.

2 Replies to “Directions from Abu Dhabi to the Al Ain Municipality Theatre”

  1. Could you post GPS co-ordinates.. or provide a link to a Google map please?

  2. Hi Jim,
    As it’s so late at night, and I’m still working on things for tomorrow, please can you go to google maps and search for Al Jimi Mall? The building is about 300 metres to the east of the Mall, and on the other side of the road.

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