(The Municipality Theatre is where the TEDxAlAin 2011 conference was held, and where some music concerts are held too.)
Drive from Dubai to Al Ain. Journey time is less than 90 minutes.
As you approach the centre of Al Ain, you’ll see this sign on your right. Notice it shows that you turn right to go towards Abu Dhabi and the Al Ain International Airport. You are now about 500 metres from the venue…
About 50 metres further on the signs look like this…
You turn right at the roundabout ahead.
About 300 metres down this road, you will come to this roundabout: you’re almost there!!…
Go across this roundabout, then at the next traffic lights…
…you turn left.
And after 100 metres or so, you’ll see the venue on your left…
Drive past it, do a U-turn at the roundabout, then take the second turning on the right to get to the car park in front of it.