Al Ain English Speaking School

This is the main school that children from the UK attend in Al Ain. (Our children spent a year at the Choueifat School in Al Ain as there were no spaces at AESS in September 2009. Only one other child at that school was from the UK.)

AESS is an excellent school with enthusiastic teachers and a lively community.

(If you have searched the net for information about this school you may have come across some criticism. Most of this is very out of date now.)

Walking round it ‘feels’ like a British school.

I drop my sons off at the school entrance at 7.15am. Our 8-year-old in Year 3 finishes at 2.30pm, so to keep out of the heat we go into the school library for 20 minutes until our 11-year-old in Year 7 finishes at 2.50pm.

A few afternoons a week one or both boys stays after school to play football (soccer) or cricket.

There are lots of out-of-school activities including overseas holidays, trips to museum, trip to an explosive, fun-packed science show called Brainiac in Dubai. Music lessons take place during the day. There’s an orchestra. The football teams compete against other teams in Dubai. There was a Quiz Night for parents at a local golf club at the start of term. The parents evening in October was very well organised and attended. A large book supplier in Abu Dhabi brought thousands of books in October and completely filled the large hall with popular British children’s books, with part of the takings going to school funds.

Here are some photos.

This one shows the left of the main entrance…


…and this shows the main entrance, and what’s to the right of it…


Inside the grounds…


And to the right of the above shot…


A covered play area for younger children…


See a separate article on the Community Library at this school.

4 Replies to “Al Ain English Speaking School”

  1. Good morning please let me know about vacancies in your school i am an B.Sc M.Ed

  2. Hi Afaque,
    Thank you for your message — but it isn’t my school. (Not as far as I know!!) This site is an amateur project which I do for fun. Contact the school directly: it has its own site and there are telephone numbers there so you can contact the admissions person.

  3. Mick Taylor says:

    Al Ain international school is fast gaining a reputation for high quality UK curriculum education – numbers are doubling to over 180 in September 2012 and this may become the school of choice for UK parents in the future (although it is more expensive – facilities, resources and staffing are top priority there).

  4. Hi Mick,
    I hear you. Price is a big issue for many parents which is why quite a lot of parents home school here. So many parents will continue to use AAESS.
    AAESS has a new principal as of the summer of 2012, so standards are likely to keep going up.

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