Hello Chris, I’ve read lots of your website over the past couple of months and appreciate all of your hard work putting it together. I’ve read through your site extensively over the past couple of months and received the ebook a couple of days ago. We thought we would be living in Al Ain and that information was just confirmed last week. We have been in Abu Dhabi since 8/13 awaiting our apartment in Al Ain to be complete. Now we must buy a car, furniture and appliances. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Nice to hear from you John. Thanks for your kind words!
Congratulations on your move to Al Ain.
Buying a car: I’m no expert, I’m afraid. I bought mine from dubizzle.com. We bought my wife’s car from a poster at the Hilton Hotel. If I was you, I’d recommend renting a car from someone like Fast Cars. If you ask, you can rent for a month, then if you return the car early you will get a refund on the unused days. While you have the car, drive round Sanaiya and see the cars there, and the road running east-west just north of the Oasis Hospital.
Buying furniture: see the many pdfs in the Niala News google groups area. We bought a lot of stuff from IKEA in Abu Dhabi (Yas Island) too, and places like HomeMart in Al Ain.
Buying appliances: Niala News/hotel noticeboards. Some things like a TV and a gas cooker can be as cheap or cheaper to buy new — then perhaps plan to sell them when you leave the Emirates.
I hope that helps!
Hello Chris, I’ve read lots of your website over the past couple of months and appreciate all of your hard work putting it together. I’ve read through your site extensively over the past couple of months and received the ebook a couple of days ago. We thought we would be living in Al Ain and that information was just confirmed last week. We have been in Abu Dhabi since 8/13 awaiting our apartment in Al Ain to be complete. Now we must buy a car, furniture and appliances. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Nice to hear from you John. Thanks for your kind words!
Congratulations on your move to Al Ain.
Buying a car: I’m no expert, I’m afraid. I bought mine from dubizzle.com. We bought my wife’s car from a poster at the Hilton Hotel. If I was you, I’d recommend renting a car from someone like Fast Cars. If you ask, you can rent for a month, then if you return the car early you will get a refund on the unused days. While you have the car, drive round Sanaiya and see the cars there, and the road running east-west just north of the Oasis Hospital.
Buying furniture: see the many pdfs in the Niala News google groups area. We bought a lot of stuff from IKEA in Abu Dhabi (Yas Island) too, and places like HomeMart in Al Ain.
Buying appliances: Niala News/hotel noticeboards. Some things like a TV and a gas cooker can be as cheap or cheaper to buy new — then perhaps plan to sell them when you leave the Emirates.
I hope that helps!